Learning by Design – Interaction and Play for Ages 13+

Some of the developmental milestones at this point are effectively continuations of those seen at the age of 12 on.  The differentiation in physical characteristics, especially those pertaining to sex and transition to adulthood continue and often leave the child feeling awkward as their minds also are moving from adolescence to adulthood.  At 13-15, teens begin to question more, especially authority and structures of rules.  They still retain thinking in absolutes while also believing bad things happen to others with some sort of personal exemption for them.  This dovetails with the belief that they’re the center of the universe (for good or ill).  Emotionally this has the teen vacillate between independence and reliance on caregivers, which can lead to frustration and inner turmoil as these are issues stemming from a search of personal identity.  The teen will want to spend more and more time with friends and develop a social network, but will also have time where family takes precedent.

From 15-18, there’s more confidence in the teen, but there also comes a bit of hesitancy as well.  The teen is able to use more sophisticated techniques to problem solve, but they cannot apply these tools consistently.  Teens at this stage are learning to organize their lives and establish school/work/life balances, but they are still exploring these concepts as part of the continued search for identity.  Because this often runs up against established authority, teens often question rules and procedures.  Concerns with appearance often go hand-in-hand with identity and growing sexual desires on top of stress and excitement from decisions about a teen’s future.  Thus, there’s a lot of emotion ups and downs for the teen, which can lead to emotional turmoil.  The desire to spend less time with family and more with their social network means teens are subject to peer pressure, but they are more likely to resist as their identities are firmer than in their younger years.

These aspects of development help lead teens to the styles of games that cater to exploration, especially ones where player agency has primacy.  Such games often have a strong social component as well, which contributes to the interactivity in the game and adds another method for exploration.  While not all will gravitate to 4X (explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate) games like Civilization, most of the games that are of interest do contribute to expression and exploration of identity.  The sociability of the games may transfer to online play or a group crowding around a screen to watch, but the conceptual space to find one’s sense of self is still there, albeit in a manner that may have little to do with the game.


Tools and Games for Ages 13+


Tools, Games, Interaction, and Play for 18+

Spirit Summoning, a Venture City power

Spirit Summoning

You can call forth spirits to heed your words.


Basic Spirit Summoning: Choose a type of spirit (natural, elemental, animal, ghost, etc.). Calling forth spirits is no easy feat. Depending on the nature of the spirit, it may be downright hostile and attempt to psychically leech the summoner or try to possess the individual. You gain a +2 on Lore rolls to overcome the natural barriers that keep the physical and spiritual worlds separated to bring forth the spirit you call upon.

“Type” is left as a broad category. The main reason for this is balance as different spirits have different capabilities depending on their nature and areas of influence. Another consideration is how often that type of spirit will come into play, the more common and useful it is, the smaller the definition of type should be. Also, not all spirits are created equally, however, and the difficulty in calling forth some beings may be beyond even that of accomplished summoners or they end up with more than they bargained for.




Master Spirit Summoning: You know especially powerful methods for calling forth spirits, adding +2 to Lore rolls.

Spirit Bind: Not all ephemeral beings wish to cooperate or stay within their defined limits. You have learned how to force such creatures to remain within a zone or item of your choosing. The spirit may not leave the area until they can break free with a Will roll with your level of success as the obstacle. You get a +2 to Will rolls to attempt the binding. Even if successful, the spirit can make Will rolls against an obstacle equal to your success to break free.

Contractual Limiters: You’ve summoned enough spirits that you know how to limit their actions, especially concerning their ability to turn against you. Should a spirit you’ve summoned attempt to attack you, it must make a Will roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle to overcome the conditions restricting its actions.


Common Power Synergies


Spirit Control: Your powers come directly from your ability to call forth and dominate spirits who carry out the tasks for you.

Arcane Power: You broker in power what most mortals fear to tread, trucking with beings beyond mortal ken.




  • Summoning spirits leaves you a little bit more drained than the last time. Even if you haven’t lost your soul, you Don’t Feel Human more often than not.
  • The methods you use to call up these entities is to use yourself as a gateway. The psychic echoes means you are Spirit Ridden and can’t fully close the door you opened.
  • You have grown so used to having unseen servants on hand that you scarcely register the difference between beings of flesh and those of spirit. You Expect to be Catered to by those to whom you speak.


Collateral Damage Effects


Spirit Wrack: Given the power you have, you can let go of your control and perform an act that is as egregious as it is effective in getting others to concede to your dictates. Few within a zone up to one zone away from you can withstand having their souls temporarily wrenched from their mortal shell. Nameless NPCs pass out, while named NPCs and PCs make a Will roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle or suffer 3 mental stress from the excruciating mental pain from disjointing one’s soul. If the roll is successful, they suffer 1 mental stress instead.

Hellstorm: In a moment of unmitigated power, you call up a host of infernal spirits to cause wanton chaos within a zone up to two zones away. The resultant spree by the poltergeists you unleash wreaks havoc on the minds of those within the affected zone. Nameless NPCs are die of fright, while named NPCs and PCs make a Will roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle or suffer a moderate mental consequence from the torment the spirits inflict on their victims.

Spirit Form, a Venture City power

Spirit Form

Your flesh transcends the physical realm to become etheric.


Basic Spirit Form: You take on the form of a spirit, meaning your entire physical being shifts into the spirit world. You can still see the physical realm, but you are subject to the laws of the spiritual region. Thus, you may be able to pass through physical barriers and are safe from physical attacks, but there are creatures in the spirit realm that can cause greater amounts of harm to your being. You get a +2 to Empathy rolls to transition to the spirit realm.




Master Spirit Form: You easily step between the worlds of flesh and spirit. Gain an additional +2 to Empathy rolls.

I Strike At Thee: At the cost of a fate point, you can attack opponents using Fight across the veil between the spirit and physical world regardless of which side you are on.

As Above, So Below: You can exist in both worlds at the same time. You make an Empathy roll against a Good (+3) obstacle to enter this state. Since your body is not wholly in one realm or the other, you have Armor:2 for the scene or until you end the effect.


Common Power Synergies


Spirit Control: You master the spirits as you’ve mastered yourself.

Invisibility: You walk amongst the denizens of the physical and spiritual realms unseen.


Improved Special Effects


Soul Amalgamation: You’ve learned how to transform the essence of the soul itself. You fashion part of the target’s form spirit to physical and vice versa in such a way that you gain a boost with a free invoke to inflict greater harm during the scene.




  • You shift between the two realms so often that you Aren’t Sure Where You Belong
  • The spirit world is filled with humanly incomprehensible beings and somehow you’ve managed to understand them. It is disconcerting to others because you have Unearthly Thoughts and Desires.
  • The spirit world does not work the same way as the physical world and you’ve learned enough to follow them and keep the spirits at bay. You Perform Bizarre Rituals to carry out normal activities when you don’t need to.


Collateral Damage Effects


Psychic Maelstrom: You can transition from one world to the next with incredible speed. The problem is that in your wake, you create a rift that causes damage to everything in the zone you just left and floods it with emanations that leave those on that side of the veil in an inner turmoil as their psyche briefly merges with other entities on the other side. Nameless NPCs are taken out, while named NPCs and PCs make a Will roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle to avoid taking 2 points of mental stress.

Transmogrification: In an extremely grotesque display of power, you can instantly bring a zone up to one zone away to a grinding halt as you change the form of every entity from spirit to physical or vice versa without them moving across the veil. Nameless NPCs are killed, while named NPCs and PCs make a Physique or Will roll (depending on their normal state) against a Fair (+2) obstacle or are unable to interact with the world until the end of the scene or you end the effect. This essentially freezes them in place.

Spirit Control, a Venture City power

Spirit Control

The spirits of the hidden realms speak with you, do your bidding, and fight alongside you.


Basic Spirit Control: Choose a type of spirit (natural, elemental, animal, ghost, etc.). You may communicate with these spirits as if they were human NPCs, although in some cases their understanding may be limited or alien to your own. You gain a +2 to Rapport when making requests of this spirit type to do something on your behalf.

“Type” is left as a broad category. The main reason for this is balance as different spirits have different capabilities depending on their nature and areas of influence. Another consideration is how often that type of spirit will come into play, the more common and useful it is, the smaller the definition of type should be.




Master Spirit Control: You have an understanding with the spirits you commune with. Gain an additional +2 to Rapport when making requests.

Spiritual Conduit: You may communicate with any spirit as if they were human NPCs, but you do not get to use your bonus for your favorite spirit type.

Synaptic Bond: Your mind touches those of the spirit realm, allowing you to freely share information between you and your interlocutors. You are aware when your chosen spirit type is in the area, even if you are not interacting with any of them.


Common Power Synergies


Super Senses: You can also see the entities you interact with and their world.

Arcane Power: You don’t cast spells at targets, you use magic that binds spirits to do your bidding.




  • You’re a born medium even if you don’t want to be. No, seriously, you don’t want to be and They Never Leave You Alone.
  • Having such intimate contact with spirits proves that there’s an afterlife. So much so, You Don’t Fear Death in an unhealthy way.


Collateral Damage Effects


Psychic Barrage: One of the most frightening effects in your repertoire isn’t how you can communicate with spirits but rather how you can turn others in your zone into mediums against their will. Nameless NPCs pass out under the strain while named NPCs and PCs make a Will roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle or take a moderate mental consequence from the assault of spirits invading their minds and vying to control their bodies.

Soul Wrench: You can make someone literally be beside themselves as you momentarily remove the soul from the body. This effect is debilitating and prevents everyone in the zone from acting. Nameless NPCs become permanently untethered from their bodies, leaving behind empty living husks while named NPCs and PCs make a Will roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle to rejoin their body. This effect lasts until you end it or the scene is over. Affected characters who recover after the fact take a moderate physical consequence from the trauma the body suffers without its attendant spirit.

Spatial Manipulation, a Venture City power

Spatial Manipulation

You can twist space to you whims. Distance conforms to your dictates.


Basic Spatial Control: You can expand or contract space, creating barriers to your opponents and shortcuts for you and your allies when you move through one zone to another. Gain +2 to Deceive to overcome the true distance across the zone to what you want it to be perceived as. If you succeed, you create an aspect with a free invoke. Opponents may make a Will roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle to ignore the spatial distortion.




Master Spatial Control: Your power to control space is unparalleled. Gain an additional +2 to Deceive when stretching or compressing the space between zones.

Co-location: Through sheer unmitigated force of personality, you are able to bend two zones so that they are considered the same place for combat and movement purposes. To create this effect, you make a Provoke roll against a Great (+4) obstacle.

Asynchronous Correspondence: The distortion you cause to space affects attacks across zones in random quantum fluctuations. You make a Deceive roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle. If successful, all attackers firing in the adjacent zone must roll a single fate die: on a –, the zone is adjacent; on a blank, the zone is an extra zone away; and on a +, the zone is treated as 2 extra zones away.

Bigger on the Inside: You can create an extradimensional pocket that holds more room than its interior suggests. You gain a +2 to Deceive when attempting to hide objects that you can then retrieve undetected. For a fate point, you can make the space big enough for you and your allies to hole up until the end of the scene or you end the effect by leaving the space.


Common Power Synergies


            Teleportation: You fold space without moving.

Time Control: All of space and all of time at your fingertips, you often get asked “where do you want to go today?”

Flight: You don’t just fly, you travel at incredible rates without disturbing the air around you.


Enhanced Special Effects


Spatial Break: You create a tear in space that cuts through an opponent’s form. The body isn’t damaged beyond the physical attack, but for the duration of the scene or you choose to end the break, it is effectively severed. The opponent suffers as if they had a mild physical consequence while the break lasts.




  • Having so many things within your reach has made life…just a little too convenient. You’ve gotten comfortable like this to the point that you Don’t Like Moving.
  • You’ve folded and stretched the fabric of space so much that it’s taken its toll on you in ways you sometimes have trouble admitting to yourself, but you’re Bad at Judging Distance as a result.


Collateral Damage Effects


            Twisted Space: If you really don’t care about how much damage you cause, you can lay waste to an entire zone up to two zones away. The affected region has its spatial fabric twisted so much that it destroys the structural integrity of objects within. Nameless NPCs are killed outright, while named NPCs and PCs make a Physique Roll against a Good (+3) obstacle to avoid a moderate physical consequence from the twisting caused by the spatial fabric.

Unseen Maze: You can affect a zone up to two zones away with a tangled maze that makes movement and attacks in the affected area travel circuitous routes. If you succeed with a Deceive roll against a Great (+4) obstacle, any motion-based actions taken in the zone must overcome a Fair (+2) obstacle to succeed as intended, otherwise a random target is selected or characters find they are in the same spot as where they started.

March Easy #2

Sonic Manipulation, A Venture City power

Sonic Manipulation

You have control over sound.  With it, you are virtuoso, a one-person orchestra, or the greatest hunter anyone knows.


Basic Sound Manipulation: Choose one skill from Notice, Empathy, and Decieve: you have the ability to redirect, generate, or silence sound in a zone.  Whenever you try to control where a sound comes from, you make a Notice check to control how sound works in the zone.  To create sounds in the zone, you use Empathy to call up the frequencies and shape them to have the desired effect on the listener. If you are trying to silence a zone, you use Deceive to mask the sound or completely stamp it out.




Master Sonic Manipulation: You’re highly skilled in acoustics.  You gain a +2 to your sonic rolls when playing with sound.

Sonic Virtuoso: You know different techniques to change how sound works.  Choose another skill to manipulate sound.

Dissonance: You are well-versed in the ways sound can debilitate, you can attack with your power so long as you can see the target and they are no more than one zone away.

Beacon: You flood the zone with a sound that can be heard up to three zones away, attracting attention and affecting targets as if they were in your zone.


Common Power Synergies


Telepathy: The sound is in the character’s head, like an earworm that won’t go away.

Influence: You do more than invoke a mood with your music, you implant suggestions.



  • You’re hyperaware of sounds to the point that it has left you with a constant ringing in your ear. The result is that you Can’t Hear Well.
  • The reason you can mimic any sound you wish is because your body is a tuning fork. You have a Unique Frequency that can be detected with the right equipment.


Collateral Damage Effects


Wall of Sound: You can throw up a sonic barrier between you zone and the outside world. No sounds can traverse the barrier and anything trying to cross must make a Physique roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle or take a moderate physical consequence related to the disruption the vibrations have on the body—especially the sensory organs.

Cacophony: If you do not care about the destructive power your mastery of sound entails, you can blast out windows and rupture delicate objects. Anyone caught in the devastating blast of sound must make an Athletics save against a fair (+2) obstacle to avoid the shards and protect the ears or suffer from a moderate physical consequence from aural damage or the shrapnel.

Learning by Design – Tools and Games for Ages 13+

From the age of thirteen and beyond, the interests of the individual diversify into so many avenues that there is no way to classify the myriad skill combinations a person can develop.  This is also the age at which the most complex ideas for game design become attainable as they require a high level of abstraction and/or moving parts to work properly.  Not coincidentally, these are the same design tools used for modern video games with their branching paths and use of multiple strategies to solve intricate puzzles.  This makes it difficult to focus on any one design structure, but it does increase the level of sophistication that can be brought to bear on an idea.

Despite all of the ways game design begins to diversify with interest, there’s a few thematic elements that traverse the range of design at this point.  Most of these come down to the individual’s skill set and design processes that inform each game developed.  What they have in common is how the games explore skills in different applications while still retaining those core skills and how they translate to varying situations.  Given this desire to hone skills, it should come as no surprise that the core design tools for this group tends towards the abstract and narrative play.  These are both areas where meaningful production arise.

Creating game with meaning is trickier as the idea of conscious decision has to balance with the need for chance to play some role in the game.  Rather than being arbitrary, every choice should be driven by individual agency with decisions favoring one or another participant decided by an outside arbiter.  This is where the dice, cards, etc. determine outcome.  This isn’t to say that games that use random chance as the start point aren’t valid designs, but rather that their inclusion should make use of individual choice to plan against or utilize that random element for the possible strategies players can employ.  Thus, designers from this point on have been exposed to subsystems, synergistic effects, complex storylines, and a full modularity of a game’s assets, which may be represented in expansion sets, adventure modules, or add-ons.  The design tools for this group include:

  • Decision tree/branching storylines
  • Mini-games, and other puzzles that enhance game play but are optional
  • Optional rules and components that extend the life of the game
  • House rules that modify an existing set to adapt the games to the usage of the usual players, in computer terms this is akin to “modding”


Tools and Games for Ages 11-13


Interaction and Play for Ages 13+

Postcognition, a Venture City power


You can see into the past, making history alive and at your viewing pleasure.


Basic Postcogniton: While touching an object (which can include the ground of the zone), you can look at the past.  You can see the object’s immediate past without penalty, but the further back you go, the harder it is to glimpse what happened.  You get a +2 to Notice rolls.  The further away in time or geography the object is from the event you wish to view, the greater the difficulty.

The time limits between the present and the desired event are left deliberately vague.  This takes into many factors, such as how much of a connection the object has to the event either through use or as passive element of the scenery, the distances involved, and even how much the character knows what to look for.  As such, the more an item is connected to the event, the more research conducted, and the like, the smaller the obstacle and less confusing the results.




Master Postcognition: Your ability to sift through the shadows of time is most impressive.  Gain a +2 to Notice rolls when attempting to view the past.

Sympathetic Histories: You not only can view the past through an object, you can view the past through sympathetic connections between people, places, or events.

Are You Experienced?: You do more than see the past, you experience the sensations present at the time.  Choose Notice or Investigation.  You a better understanding of what happened and can act on that information either to gain some (extra)sensory awareness in the now of a target’s presence or uncover crucial clues.  Either way, the roll gets a +2 for that specific piece of knowledge.


Common Power Synergies


Item Summoning: Those items you grab from nowhere?  They’re actually “lost” objects snatched from the past

Influence: Your powers are really a form of post-hypnotic suggestion inserted after you need them to know, but before you met them.  Confusing but effective.




  • You’ve experienced more in a lifetime than many people will ever dream of and you’ve only lived the one. So much so, You forget What Year it is
  • For some people, nostalgia is a thing that gives them rose-tinted glasses and a loving fondness of the past. You can experience it whenever you like, and You Love Living in the Past.


Collateral Damage Effects


Your Worst Nightmare: With this effect, you can cause some severe mental anguish on everyone in the zone as they catch a glimpse at the one thing in their life that has scarred them the most dredged up and forced to relive once again.  Characters must make a Will roll against a Great (+4) obstacle or suffer a -4 to attacks.  This lasts for a few minutes or until you decide to end the effect.

History Repeating: You can target any zone up to one zone away.  Anyone within that zone falls back on tried-and-true methods, only problem is you and your allies have seen these tired moves before.  Opponents who fail a Will roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle suffer a -2 to their rolls against you and your friends.  This lasts for a scene or until you decide to end the effect.

Gravity Control, a Venture City power

Gravity Control

You determine where the force of gravity lays.


Basic Gravity Control:  You get a +2 to Will rolls to change the direction of gravity in your zone.  Anyone not near a surface for the new direction makes an Athletics roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle to avoid taking stress damage from falling, including you.



Increased Weight: You can target one object or person.  Their weight is instantly increased by the pull of gravity on them.  Characters must make a Physique roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle or take two stress while fragile objects break while ones that survive the increased become Fair (+2) obstacles if someone attempts to move them.

Buoyancy: You can make objects float by weakening the hold gravity has on them.  Using this effect, you get a +2 to Physique rolls to overcome obstacles, whether people or objects.  If the object is placed in water, it won’t sink.

Single Bound: Your manipulation of gravity is so precise that you can leap over ground-based obstacles and ignore them.  You can use Athletics to overcome obstacles and move into zones without the penalty associated with aspects that hinder movement if they don’t affect aerial movement.


Common Power Synergies


Super-Strength: You lift very heavy objects with ease.

Illusion: You don’t change gravity, you change a person’s perception of where it is and leave them disoriented.

Spatial Control: You bend, warp, and create gravity wells to shape the world to your liking.


Improved Special Effect


Zero-Gee: You render a target weightless; it moves with ease.  Characters affected by this have to make an Athletics roll against a Good (+3) obstacle to overcome the problems of weightlessness.

Singularity: You create a black hole that winks out of existence almost as soon as it’s created.  This only affects one target and you make a Shoot roll with a Good (+3) obstacle to pinpoint it precisely.  If the target does not successfully defend with a Physique roll, the singularity causes a minor consequence.




  • Gravity is a fundamental force and your control of it leaves you feeling Perpetually Exhausted.
  • You know how easy it is to change where someone’s center of gravity is that you Trod Heavily wherever you go.
  • Falling doesn’t scare you, you are so sure of your powers that you Take Unnecessary Risks around precipices.


Collateral Damage Effects


Kinetic Smash: In a sudden fit of power, you can lay waste to an entire zone by changing gravity to pull things up and then reversing it to slam it back into the ground.  Glass shatters; wood splinters; bricks, rock, and concrete crack under the onslaught.  Nameless NPCs are crushed to death while Named NPCs and PCs make a Physique roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle to avoid a moderate physical consequence.

Singularity Shotgun: If you don’t care what carnage you can cause, you can unleash a devastating by perforating the fabric of reality with an inordinate number of tiny black holes.  The damage caused by this effect collapses structures, killing nameless NPCs while Named NPCs and PCs make a Physique roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle or take a moderate physical consequence.