Construct, a Venture City power theme


You were assembled or otherwise artificially created.


Basic Construct: Your body is resilient and unfazed by the things that affect organic beings.  Even if you were once flesh or your body is flesh, it has been engineered.  You get +2 to Physique against attacks that target organic functions.




Master Construct: You’re more resilient against organic function attacks.  Gain a +2 to Physique rolls.

Shrug it Off: Once per session, you can ignore the damage caused by an attack.  Further uses cost a fate point.

Temporary Upgrade:  Once per scene, you can spend a fate point to swap out one skill with another.  This causes a point of stress if it is a skill you have no training in.  When the scene ends, your skills revert to their original set.


Common Power Synergies


Machine Control: You speak with machinery on their level and they respond within their limits.

Elasticity: Parts of your body are telescopic, giving you an extended range for melee.

Super Senses: Your components pick up on sensory data that organic beings miss.


Improved Special Effect


Fleshless Body: Your body is not organic, making you immune to disease, asphyxiation, and poisoning.




  • Your appearance is unsettling looking as it’s too realistic but not realistic enough you fall in the Uncanny Valley.
  • You have set sequences encoded in you that give you Predictable Moves.
  • Being artificial means you Don’t Heal Naturally and have to have extensive repairs to recover from consequences.


Collateral Damage Effects


Detachable Weapons: You can attack an entire zone without having to be in it.  Instead, parts of your body detach and cause massive damage, causing 2 points of stress to anyone caught in the melee.

Flailstorm: If you do not care what happens to the zone, your body can thrash around and cause extensive damage.  Everything caught in your wake makes an Athletics roll to avoid your Fight attack with its +4 bonus.

Air Projection, a Venture City power theme

Air Projection

You are whirlwind unto yourself.


Basic Air Projection: Your power calls upon the very air that surrounds you.  Whenever you use your power, the air is whipped into a gust.




Air Glide: You can levitate, allowing you to pass over hazards on the floor without them being used against you.

Clear the Air: As an action, you can bring up a wind that pushes any fumes or fouled air out of your zone and into another.

Clad in Sky: Whenever someone successfully attacks you using Shoot, their result is shifted down by 1.


Common Power Synergies


Weather Control: You bring the storm wherever you go.

Energy Blast: You channel bursts of air to slam into opponents.

Gravity Manipulation: You turn the atmosphere into a vice.




Improved Special Effect


Steel Air: You can create a barrier between you and the next incoming attack that grants you Armor: 4 at which point the effect ends.  If you move, the air shield breaks, ending the effect.




  • Being like air, you don’t like to be held back. You Feel Constricted even when in loose fitting clothing.
  • Your powers require a lot of air in order to work. Your powers are Ineffective in Small Spaces.


Collateral Damage Effects


Snatched Breath: You don’t just force air into a weapon, you can force it out of your zone, creating a vacuum that strangles everyone within.  Nameless NPCs are killed while Named NPCs and PCs make a Physique roll against a Great (+4) obstacle or take a moderate physical consequence from apoxia.

Learning by Design – Tools, Games, Interaction, and Play for 18+

There is one final group to discuss: adults.  Although development slows down around age 18, physical development doesn’t fully stop until about age 21 and the brain’s development finishes approximately at 25 years of age.  The reason this matters is that, while there’s a lot of intellectual and physical maturity for game players of this age, the brain is still looking for ways to maximize survival strategies.  As such, the risk mechanisms that older adults take for granted aren’t fully developed in adults who’ve yet to reach their mid-twenties with some research saying those centers of the brain being fully formed in the individual’s 30s.

What is different about games played and developed by this age group is that there is enough experience in the person’s life to draw from when creating based on themes, stories, or rules.  No additional tools are needed at this point, but the designers will have developed a strong sense of what they enjoy and what they would like to make.  These individuals gravitate towards their preferred styles of play and mechanics as ways to hone their already acquired skills with some more adventurous sorts looking to try developing new skills.  The games are also as likely to tend towards the abstract as much as they are towards story- or theme-driven systems.

Those new to design at this age can skip past a lot of the earlier aspects of the design program because they’ve already internalized much of the procedures and understand how games work.  That said, they can still benefit from some of the language used to help build a shorthand when discussing their ideas and projects while also avoiding a few of the well-known pitfalls in some designs based on game type.  The modules address some of these issues.


Interaction and Play for Ages 13+


What Game Design Teaches, Part 1

Out Like a Lamb

Tunneling, a Venture City power


You don’t have to go through obstacles, you can around them.


Basic Tunneling: You travel through earth as easily as a burrowing animal. Choose either Athletics or Physique. You are either fast or have inordinate endurance, gaining a +2 to that skill when burrowing.  While you can burrow through earth, you cannot tunnel through materials like stone.




Master Tunneling: You are a proficient digger.  Gain an additional +2 to rolls for tunneling.

Better Digger: You have endurance and speed, making you one of the fastest and unrelenting tunnelers around.

Going Deeper: You can dig through soft stone materials like pumice and sandstone.

Fissure Sense: Tunneling is dangerous work as there is always the chance that the ground will collapse on top of you.  You are so used to tunneling that you gain a +2 to Investigate rolls when checking the stability of the ground to avoid or trigger a collapse.


Common Power Synergies


Super Strength: You can tunnel through anything.

Super Senses: Your connection to the ground has left you able to detect vibrations traveling through the ground.




  • You spend a lot of time underground—a whole lot. You prefer being in the ground because you’re Agoraphobic.
  • Digging has its drawbacks, especially when you do it as often as you do. No matter how hard you try, you Always Seem Covered in Dirt.
  • You cannot hide you who you are. You try, but you Smell of the Earth and nothing can hide the scent.
  • Tunneling can get you where you want to go, but it’s a dark way to go. Your eyes are Sensitive to Light.


Collateral Damage Effects


            Sapper’s Delight: You have the ability to unleash a brutal attack against a zone by undermining it.  You tunnel under the weak points of buildings so they come crashing down unexpectedly on everyone in the zone.  Nameless NPCs are killed, while named NPCs and PCs make an Athletics roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle to avoid the debris or take a moderate physical consequence.

Earth Geyser: You can, without concern to others, cause the ground to explode under your feet and attack everyone in the zone.  The debris thrown out by this attack slam into opponents and injure anyone in the way.   Nameless NPCs are taken out, while named NPCs and PCs make a Physique roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle or take 2 points of physical stress.

Trick Shots, a Venture City power

Trick Shots

They can duck for cover, but they can’t hide—not from you, that is.  You can make projectiles do things physical improbable at best and impossible at worst look routine.


Basic Trick Shot: You get a +2 to strike opponents using zones or aspects granting them cover.  Whenever you use Shoot to hit a target, you can bank it off of other objects in the zone, or find the unprotected part of an opponent.






Master Trick Shot: You get an additional +2 to use Shoot to get around obstacles between you and your target.

Thread the Needle: Once per scene, you can fire through a melee or crowd to hit a target up to two zones away and ignore any penalties imposed by the intervening group used as cover.  The projectile passes by all intervening bystanders/combatants as if they were just moved out of the line of sight.

Curve the Shot: Your opponents think they can dodge your attacks, but you have learned how to arc your projectiles, making dodging a Fair (+2) obstacle to the target’s attempt.’


Common Power Synergies


Gadgeteering: You not only are a crack shot, your ammo performs tricks as well.

Energy Blast: When you throw energy, it’s deadly accurate even if it takes a circuitous route.

Telekinesis: Your attacks rarely miss because you control them with your mind.


Improved Special Effect


Locked On: Your shots follow their target.  While not a fire-and-forget ability, you can be assured that if the opponent goes around a corner, your projectile will follow suit.




  • You are so used to banking your attacks that you Can’t Aim Close Up.
  • You’ve honed your skill to the point that you Only Use Trick Shots because of the panache.
  • Because it isn’t fair to your opponents, you Explain the Angles before firing to level the playing field.
  • Your weapon uses special ammo which you have to make or is hard to find. You have Limited Shots.


Collateral Damage


Bring Down the House: If you aren’t concerned with who gets caught in the attack, you can strike a critical point keeping a structure in the next zone from collapsing.  Of course, this takes time as the rest of the supports slow down the inevitable.  Nameless NPCs are killed while named NPCs and PCs get a Physique roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle to avoid a moderate consequence.

Plenty of Shrapnel: When you tear up a place, you really tear it up.  Your projectile bounces around and causes parts of objects to explode and fly around the zone, striking everyone and everything indiscriminately.  Anyone caught in the maelstrom, including you, makes a Physique roll against your Shoot; if they fail they take that much stress.

Time Control, a Venture City power

Time Control

You can manipulate fate because you can see the threads of time.  You might not be able to choose an outcome or see the future, but you can twist possibility, perhaps even edit things.


Basic Time Control You are able to narrow down the likely outcomes of events within your zone.  You make a Notice check, but time provides a Fair (+2) obstacle.  If you succeed, you create a boost with a free invoke; if you succeed with style, you create an advantage you and your allies can use for the scene so long as you remain conscious and are able to communicate with your teammates.  You cannot control the actions of others, even if it feels like you are pulling the strings.




Master Time Your ability to shape the future is uncanny.  Gain +2 to Notice when trying to manipulate the future.

Exhaust: When you touch an object or person, you can fatigue them.  They must make a Physique roll against a Good (+3) obstacle or take a minor consequence.

Loop: At the cost of a fate point, the zone is in a time loop for all intents and purposes.  The characters “repeat” the current round without worrying about countdowns and the like triggering regardless of the outcome.

Edit: By spend a fate point, you get to change the events of the last round, either by forcing the actions to be done over or by exchanging one roll with another.


Common Power Synergies


Duplication: You slow time enough that you can appear to be in several places at once.

            Super Speed: You aren’t faster than the average person, you dilate time and appear to move faster by stepping between the moments others perceive.


Improved Special Effect


Compress/Expand Time: You can do more than move the odds in your favor, you can manipulate it.  You use Will to exert this effect in your zone.  You can also affect a zone adjacent to you, but doing so is a Fair (+2) obstacle.

Blink: Spending a fate point, you move out of the current exchange and appear in the next, where you surprise your opponents.

Delayed Strike: Oh, you hit your opponent.  They just don’t know how damaging your attack was—yet.  During the scene, the damage reveals itself at a time of your choosing and it’s one step worse for the waiting.  Alternatively, if the GM agrees, you can have the damage occur at another time.  However, each encounter you wait, the severity decreases by one step.




  • Viewing so many potential variables to consider means you are inundated by information. You are Always Distracted.
  • Knowing how time flows and seeing the world as it is, was, and may be leaves you with Analysis Paralysis as you try to hedge your bets.


Collateral Damage Effects


Shatter Time: If you don’t mind breaking reality just a little, you can fracture time so that it is constantly in flux within your zone.  The temporal stress this puts on everything within the zone causes nameless NPCs to die, while named NPCs and PCs must roll a Physique against Fair (+2) opposition or take a moderate physical consequence reflecting the extreme fatigue this causes as parts of the body age and regress simultaneously.

Warp Time: You disorient everyone in the zone.  Their actions take places before or after they intend anything that requires timing, like throwing or avoiding a punch, might not go off as expected.  This warpage causes clocks to speed up or down without a discernable pattern.  Nameless NPCs can’t act while named NPCs and PCs must roll a Will save against a Fair (+2) obstacle each exchange to avoid the effect.  This persists until you choose to end it or the end of the scene.

Swimming, a Venture City power


In water, you are a match for most aquatic life.


Basic Swimming: You travel through water as easily as a fish. Choose either Athletics or Physique. You are either fast or have inordinate endurance, gaining a +2 to that skill when swimming. You also have the buoyancy of a ship, meaning you are not at risk of sinking.




Master Swimming: You are a proficient swimmer. Gain an additional +2 to checks for swimming.

Cross-trained: You have endurance and speed, making you one of the most fearsome foe the aquatic world has ever seen.

Water like Air: You are able to move through water like it was air, allowing you to Fight without the water serving as an obstacle.

Sense Currents: There are rivers in the ocean and you can feel them tugging you. You know if you’re drifting and you gain a +2 to Notice rolls when looking for currents.


Common Power Synergies


Creature Summoning: You are able to call aquatic creatures to your aid.

Sonic Manipulation: You are able to use and disrupt sonar.




  • You’ve spent so much time in the water that you Forget Your Center of Gravity and sometimes get thrown off balance.
  • Spending too much time in the water does have its own share of maladies. Unfortunately for you, that means Swimmer’s Ear.
  • Water allows movement in virtually any direction, a freedom you’ve come to enjoy. Spending time on land means your Movement Feels Confined.


Collateral Damage Effects


            Dead Wake: Sometimes you need to be somewhere in a hurry. This is good for you, but bad for anything in the zone you’re leaving. The water gets so churned that anything in the zone starts to drown. Nameless NPCs are killed, while named NPCs and PCs make an Athletics roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle or suffer a moderate physical consequence from nearly drowning.

Sneaker Wave: If you are unconcerned with the wide scale damage you can cause, you can effectively take out an adjacent zone by generating so much force from swimming that it throws a wall of water at the targeted zone. The water destroys structures and can crush characters in a mix of water and debris. Nameless NPCs are killed, while named NPCs and PCs make a Physique roll against a Fair (+2) obstacle to avoid suffering a moderate physical condition from being battered by the onslaught.